Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I think that I have ghosts in my house.

Few days before I was missing something from my room that I knew was
there. It wasn't anything big, just a pen. It was a Parker pen
I bought from Chandigarh when I was there on my official duty.

I knew that it was on my table but it was clearly missing.

I asked each person in my house that whether they
have taken my pen. Each one responded in negative
and they were totally ignorant about that. 

No one in the house had touched it or seen it.

I knew no burglar had broken in or surely they would have taken
more than a pen. If no human had done it, what other
explanation was left other than some supernatural explanation.

Once I came to grips that we must have ghosts in the house, I
then realized that not only did we have ghosts, but we also had
a bunch of one-legged ghosts and that explained where the other
sock was disappearing to.

Case solved.