Monday, April 4, 2011

For Your Convenience

The modern world gives us many things. Some make us better
(maybe) and some weaker. The spell checker is one such thing.

The spell checker is great, it keeps me from making horrendous
and careless errors but it has made my spelling so much weaker.

I was writing a note telling someone that something was for
their convenience. I couldn't spell convenience!

It's not that convenience is an overly simple word. My guess, if
you asked 10 people how to spell it, a significant number would
either get it wrong or wouldn't even try. That's not the point.
The point is I should have known how to spell it but the spell
checker has just made my spelling weaker.

What did I do? I saw the red underline below what was the
obviously misspelled word and Right-Clicked to get a list of
suggestions on the proper spelling. Sure enough, there in the
list was the proper spelling.

Whenever you don't use something, you slowly lose it. I use my
knowledge of spelling less and less, I just let the computer do

Perhaps sometimes too convenient is simply too convenient.

...or is it convineint?