Friday, October 14, 2011

Mr. Crow and Mr. Rabbit

Mr. Rabbit was walking down the road when he spotted a crow at
the tiptop of a very tall tree.

He shouted, "Good Morning, Mr. Crow."

Mr. Crow shouted back down, "Good Morning Mr. Rabbit."

Mr. Rabbit shouted up, "Whatcha doin' today?" and the answer
shouted back down was, "Absolutely nothin' Mr. Rabbit,
absolutely nothin' and loving it."

Well, that sounded pretty good to Mr. Rabbit, so he shouted back
up, "Do you think I could do that too?"

Mr. Crow shouted back down, "I don't see why not!"

So, Mr. Rabbit lay down on the side of the road and began
doing absolutely nothing.

In 30 minutes, a fox came along and ate him.

The moral of the story is:
You can get away with doing absolutely nothing,
but only if you are really high up.